I-Land is where memories and experiences turn into short stories, personal journal entries and narration in first person, part memoir, part fiction, exploring topics such as the relation between humans and the societies they live in.

‘Unresolved Issues’ And The Scofield Literary Magazine

My short story Unresolved Issues has been published in the latest edition of The Scofield literary magazine (Issue 2.2 – Conrad Aiken & Consciousness) — out now!

Congratulations to the indefatigable Scott Cheshire, Tyler Malone and team for putting together another edition. It’s a well-prepared project, an assortment of differing voices coming together to create a mosaic and dialog between a wide variety of pieces, styles and POVs, and I’m honored to have my work included.

Unresolved Issues is the story of Thomas Aster, finance operative, and Dr. Rezniak, veteran psychiatrist, going through their first therapy session together. Each character fails to communicate what he really thinks, holding his cards close to his chest, driven by obscure thoughts, creating the perfect environment for confrontation.

pp. 272-278.

Download in PDF, and enjoy!
