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Theocracy Is Past Its Expiration Date

We can blame everyone and everything.

Or we can blame the common denominator – Iran’s theocratic regime – whose underlying ideology and power structure belongs to the Middle Ages, if not the trash can, and whose tentacles reach out into the world with the aim to spread its ‘righteous’ worldview with impunity.

Between everything else and Iran’s theocracy with its supreme leadership and all that dogmatic garbage, I choose everything else, warts and all. There’s no room for balance here, or reason, or equal measures. Iran’s regime and its deep state structure is a bane. The longer it exists, the more regressive the world becomes. How much longer can reasonable people pretend that there’s any room for this kind of political system?

The day the supreme leadership collapses, taking the Ayatollah Revolution with it, will be a good day for everyone. The world has no place for Ayatollahs or any theocratic Neanderthals. We’ve come too far to regress. There’s no room for relapse. Theocracy is way past its expiration date. Let’s keep it that way, and put its living dead manifestations to rest before they do more damage.