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The Age Of Ignorance

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump holds a sign supporting coal during a rally at Mohegan Sun Arena in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania on October 10, 2016. / AFP / DOMINICK REUTER (Photo credit should read DOMINICK REUTER/AFP/Getty Images)

As the American Taliban hitches a ride on the crazy train of Donald Trump, turning the entire country into a fire and brimstone Apprentice show, I’m trying to remember the era of George Dubya — if republicanism back then was synonymous to today’s distemper politics. Was it? I can’t remember. Being a fan of neither the crazy-ass conservatism of big righteous know-it-alls nor the shut-your-mouth-in-the-name-of-tolerance kind of liberalism so popular lately, I can’t tell where the insanity ends and — no ands! It’s insane, pure and simple! As things stand, the madness seems to be blanketing both sides of the political divide, not to mention the Atlantic Ocean.

And so it goes. The Peace-Nobel-prize era that saw more bombs than ever before dropped by drones around the world in the name of peace-driven war efforts (insane, right?), that part has ended, and in its place rises the era of fuck-climate-change, fuck-the-data-and-any-kind-of-facts, we-have-coal-and-shit-to-sell. That kind of business and politics have just begun.


From the bays of a particularly tempestuous Pearl Coast,

Fish a ton of oysters, be careful of the rotten ones.