‘Change requires effort, but progress requires more. It requires sacrifice. That is the tragedy of the human condition and everything it touches.’ ~ EON
Ever wonder why the world seems to teeter-totter on the brink of bedlam and ruin? How it keeps running into the same problems over and over again, going through the same debates and motions in its effort to disentangle itself yet again, hopefully for the last time, digging the next pitfall as it does so? How it’s always the same damn spiel, the same frail-sounding excuses driving the game? All too predictable and self-defeating, all too human, really human, man, woman, children growing alongside their seniors to fill in the gap and make more of the same, praying, fuming, the world reeling in agony and anxiety recycled and reinforced, wheeling and dealing its way into the future — or backwards, depending on the situation — on account of stray excuses and quintessential justifications.
We need to eat. To breathe and feel safe. We have an economy to sustain, a God to praise and please. Our requirements are numerous, and so are our demands.
We have faiths and beliefs, creeds to uphold, but we don’t always uphold them. We are plastic. We are complicated. We are utterly, unashamedly human.
Shamelessly human, more like it.
Vexed? Watch this space for more.
From the collection of writings EON: THE ANGRY COMING OF AGE