Base Camp is where visitors go to relax, unwind, and get familiar with an anthology of earlier material.

Say The Words

Sometimes all one needs is a few good words accompanied by a good tune…

When you can’t find the words to say, say the words that come to mind and worry about the outcome later — say what’s on your tongue and steer clear of the convenient silence. Delay nothing other than your reticence to enter the fray and seize tomorrow by the tail of today, and pray, and pray, awakening the spirit inside you and raise hell and high water and ride the wave and come what may and conjure up a world imagined during the lighter parts of your day, after the silent periods of reflection, dark dismay. When you can’t find the words, speak out and the words will come to you and the world will flutter and vibrate like fresh paint on a freshly animated canvas on a cool summer morning on a hot summer day.

Inspired by Ryan Adams’ Wasted Years…

and here’s a live radio performance…

And here’s the original song…