Feeling agitated or adventurous? Enter Tornado Country to witness the fury of Spin Doctor as he analyses the ins and outs of the modern world, tears down old preconceptions, and glimpses into history with an eye on the future.

Sanders v Mulvaney: Between A Rock And A Hard Place

Wow! Fascinating and dangerous. (see video below)

Truth is, I’m not a fan of the Bernie Sanders kind of politics and economics. They never worked, and never will, despite how noble they appear to be.

But the more absurd this Trump/GOP side gets, the more appealing Sanders becomes, and that is really fucking dangerous. Caught between a rock and a hard place, the end result can only be one: squash pie.

Something like French cake, with which Marie Antoinette wanted to feed her people.

They ate cake alright. All of them, rich and poor alike. Plenty of it. For fifty volatile years they ate nothing but cake.

Whet your appetites, ladies and gentlemen. A feast is coming.

From your constantly discerning and historically-minded Spin Doctor,

Eyes open, mind sharp.

Why Do Billionaires Need Massive Tax Breaks?

I asked Trump's budget director a very simple question: Why is it more important to give the Walton family, the wealthiest family in America, a $52 billion tax break than to fund programs that provide health care to millions of Americans? What do you think of his answer?

Geplaatst door U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders op donderdag 25 mei 2017

For the full, uncut segment, see below . . .

Sanders Challenges Mulvaney On Inheritance Tax

Watch this tense exchange between Bernie Sanders and Trump’s budget manager (via NowThis Politics)

Geplaatst door NowThis op zondag 28 mei 2017