Shard is home to a collection of monologs, articles and social commentary by EON, child of Time, whose regard of humanity is scathing. It also hosts RANT HQ.

Routine Breaks Down The Soul

Written in 2016, mislaid until now…

The devils love routine. It makes people complacent, so of course they love it. It’s central to their cause, as are all-around madness and indignation, disillusionment and abreaction: states of mind that disorient the human soul. The devils adore that. They rule in the wake of torpor and madness combined, entrenching themselves deep inside the human psyche, consolidating their power. That’s their MO.

Once conflicted and turned against your own, your loved ones, your kind – job done. No one can resist after that. The soul breaks down, and the devils move in to prey on humanity, turning it into a weapon.

Vexed? Watch this space for more.

From the collection of writings EON: THE ANGRY COMING OF AGE