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One Of The Great Joys In Life


One of the great joys in life is to get the job done.

One of the great joys in life is when people smile seldom, and mean it.

One of the great joys in life is a wholehearted laugh.

One of the great joys in life is to be loved beyond words, through actions.

One of the great joys in life is to be among people who say what they mean and mean what they say.

One of the great joys in life is to get the job done, then take a break.

One of the great joys in life is not to feel obliged to say hello or goodbye.

One of the great joys in life is not to be judged by others if you haven’t said hello or goodbye, and not to judge others in turn.

One of the great joys in life is to be casual but still have manners — to display class, show respect, and be among people who do likewise, and be able to use these qualities wisely. Everything in moderation, even etiquette. Mind your manners so they don’t end up minding you.

One of the great joys in life is to use words with accuracy and playfulness.

One of the great joys in life is effortless communication.

One of the great joys in life is to send your kids to schools and programs that have a positive impact on them, where they can learn something they couldn’t have learned at home.

One of the great joys in life is to be able to call your friends family and your family friends.

One of the great joys in life is to have a culture, and to celebrate that culture, and for that culture to be something others want to emulate and be part of. (I’m not talking about bacteria, which also have culture.) A contagious way of life that makes others feel good.

Cleanliness and hygiene, both physical and mental. One of the great joys in life.

To walk into a space and its surfaces to be clean and its air to be clean. One of the great joys in life.

And to be able to worship whatever you want without being castigated, persecuted, or ridiculed for it: one of the great joys in life, as is the ability to defend what you believe in.

One of the great joys in life is figuring out the difference between the above two points.

One of the great joys in life is figuring out the contradictions between all these joys.

One of the great joys in life is addressing the gray areas of life and coming away with a new answer.

One of the great joys in life is to promote what works.

One of the great joys in life is to destroy what doesn’t work, and replace it with what does.

One of the great joys in life is to throw out the clutter and make room for oneself, and make do with what one needs, and to keep throwing out the clutter every year, and to reflect on ourselves every year, or more often, if possible, defragmenting our lives as one does with a hard drive.

One of the great joys in life is a swift and successful download of a useful program, no bugs or trojan horses.

One of the great joys in life is the smile of a child before it’s been socialized. One of the great joys in life is the smile of a child despite it having been socialized.

One of the great joys in life is the smile of an older person. And the blessing he or she gives you.

One of the great joys in life is a walk in the snow at night.

One of the great joys in life is animals.

One of the great joys in life is history. A bitter joy it is, but a joy nonetheless, if one can read it and learn from it.

And to feed someone — what a great joy it is, to provide nourishment. And to make others feel like they can depend on you. And to be able to depend on someone in turn. And the absence of nagging and accusations, one of the great joys in life.

One of the great joys in life is to be able to disappear for a few days. Every now and then. At will. Without the world collapsing.

One of the great joys in life is people whose words amount to actions, and whose good intentions are matched by consistent results.

One of the great joys in life is Christmas, if by Christmas we mean the ceaseless and ever-present celebration of life and divinity, the inspiration that comes with the spirit of creation.

One of the great joys in life is the first two drinks in a day, especially after a few days of abstinence and sobriety.

One of the great joys in life is countries where the future carries as much weight as the past. The same applies for forward-looking companies, corporations, and organizations in general. Such a joy to be part of, all such groups and cultures.

As are people who think along those lines — what a treat to be among them and enjoy the blessing of their attitude, their general approach, their accomplishments and achievements, their commitment to making things happen.

Making things happen, one of the great joys in life.

Faith, too. One of the great, great joys in life. Faith, not religion. Belief in something against all odds, personal conviction that tends to one’s spirit.

And sleep. What more joyful than a good night’s sleep every once in a while? Plus the ability to sleep without the proverbial crutches — without ‘help’. Natural sleep. A tremendous joy, as is reading a good book, or watching a good film, or listening to good music and then being able to share your thoughts on the books and films and tunes you enjoyed with someone who also enjoyed them, exchanging opinions, feelings, everything that opens one person to another, building ties and relations, substantial and true relations, long-lasting bonds that withstand the tests of time.

One of the great joys in life is knowing people; staying in touch; taking the time to know them again and again as time passes. People change, and staying in touch takes effort, and such a hard effort it is, staying in touch with people you like, and who like you in turn, but what joy it is to have done the work and reap the benefits when it matters, at the end of the day — and year — at the beginning of a new year, a new cycle.

One of the great joys in life is giving someone something he or she needs and appreciates.

One of the great joys in life is withholding joy from oneself in the name of an important cause.

And figuring out one’s epitaph, for a life well spent and worth living? One of the great joys in life.

And choosing the name of one’s child, and the title of one’s book. One of the great, great joys in life.

Let these joys come together and make our lives more lively and fulfilling.

From your rejoicing, joyful, and sometimes joyriding Spin Doctor,

Merry Christmas, happy holidays and great new beginnings.

PS – Eyes open, mind sharp.