Every once in a while a speech is made that points to some very important issues. Leo DiCaprio gave one the other day to the leaders of the world about climate change.
You know something’s wrong when those sounding the alarm bell against climate change try to get everyone’s attention by saying: the economy will die if our ecosystems collapse.
Let me run this by you again: the economy will die if our ecosystems collapse.
It’s a nonsense argument, not because it’s inaccurate, but because it’s redundant and self-evident. It’s like trying to alert people to the dangers of death by telling them, Our salaries will perish if we die of a heart attack.
People championing causes based on scientific evidence have to make their cases based on how the economy is affected
Unfortunately, this is what it has come to. People championing causes based on scientific evidence have to make their cases based on how the economy is affected, even when their arguments supersede the importance of the economy by way of logic and common sense.
See, it’s not important enough to the powers that be, or to public opinion, that our ecosystems will die. We need to emphasize the subsequent death of the economy to grab everyone’s attention. And even then we fall short.
It’s hardly surprising, when one thinks about it. Change has always been hard to come by, especially in matters of a systemic, global nature. The inertia of familiarity is a force not easily overcome.
Change must be made of our own will, or it will be made against it, by forces external
But change must be made of our own will, or it will be made against it, by forces external. Leonardo DiCaprio is right on the money when warning the leaders of the world and the nations and interests they represent that we, the people of this day and age, are going to either ‘make history or be vilified by it.’ If we fail to take decisive action, there will come a time when those who succeed us will look back at us and think ‘what a pathetic bunch of morons’ we were. They will regard us in the same manner we look back at the people of the 4th, the 9th, the 13th and the 17th centuries, shaking their heads at how we could live in such filth — how we could persecute one another and harm each other with such impudence, in the name of superstition, prejudice and unsound belief systems.
This, my friends, is logic’s honest truth.
If what it takes to accept it is the threat of our economy perishing, then so be it.
But something tells me that it will take more than that to get humanity to act on it. Dogmatized people don’t respond well to reason, or caution. The only thing they understand is force.
Nature has plenty of it, and so do people who’ve come to the brink.
The question is, who will go berserk first: nature or (other) people?
From your dogma-busting Spin Doctor,
Eyes open, mind sharp.