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Global Warming: How To Blow Climate-Change Deniers Away


It’s about time we let the skeptics take ownership… don’t you think?

Everyone knows that climate change is one of the major challenges, if not crises, of our time. Well, not everyone does. Some people think it’s all nonsense, blowing the trumpet of resistance and stating publicly that we should go about our affairs as usual.

The producers of the following video clip have a great idea of how to address this madness. They have proposed a new hurricane-naming system that will point out those who stand against policies that aim to tackle climate change. People of the earth, watch out for…

Coming soon to a city near you!

(DISCLAIMER: This clip may cause bouts of rage, hate speech, extreme lobbying by paranoid power brokers, outbreaks of skin rash to the sound of the words “Al Gore,” choking caused by Inconvenient Truths, a nude drunk Congressman streaking through your city in protest of having been stripped of his right to shut people up, demonstrations by the descendants of the Holy Inquisition, manifestations of Galileo’s ghost chanting “Truth rules,” shameless glee from people across the world whose own culprit politicians have not been named, and who blame America for everything, including things they themselves do. It may also cause uncontrollable LOLs, severe skin crawling and extreme weather conditions brought to you care of the subjects of Convenience, Economy, and the Lord Almighty, whose go against our very nature.)