Feeling agitated or adventurous? Enter Tornado Country to witness the fury of Spin Doctor as he analyses the ins and outs of the modern world, tears down old preconceptions, and glimpses into history with an eye on the future.

Brexit: Is The UK The EU’s Ukraine? (Tit-For-Tat Politics Between East And West)


It’s tit-for-tat again. A few years ago the EU — and the West in general — helped Ukraine disengage itself from the Russian geopolitical sphere of influence by aiding separatist forces within Ukraine, and in return Russia helped the UK disengage itself from the EU by fanning the war in Syria, hitting the EU with a torrent of migration, aiding the cause of separatist forces across the union.

And then there were 27.

The question now is how Scotland reacts to Brexit, and how English Britain responds to Scotland.

It’s a world war game, ladies and gentlemen, if you haven’t realized already. Cold, hot, hybrid, it comes in many forms. One thing is for certain.

The chess pieces are moving.

From your self-appointed messenger Spin Doctor,

Eyes open, mind sharp.