Feeling agitated or adventurous? Enter Tornado Country to experience the force of Spin Doctor as he analyzes the ins and outs of this world, tears down old preconceptions, and glimpses into history with an eye on the future.

Brexit: A Dark Fantasy Story

An exquisite piece of news television (a twenty-minute special) that encapsulates the madness befalling this country. The Boris resignation, the numerous versions of Brexit tossed around, a Times columnist calling the Boris-Gove-Fox vision ‘pigs might fly,’ the hot weather being sited and implicated in the politics that has precipitated a row over everything and your uncle …

This feels like a Harry Potter movie where the Muggles are muggling their way into madness, stirred by clandestine forces that prey on everyone’s minds.

Or is this the wizard world we’re looking at (if any part of the world resembles the magic world of Harry Potter, it’s the UK), caught in a battle between the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters?

A peculiar sensation, honestly, to be thrust in a situation that resembles a dark fantasy story, the world moving to the beats of genuinely rabid, clandestine, destruction-geared forces. What’s needed are unity and common sense, and yet common sense is nowhere to be found, at least where it matters, where authority resides and decisions are taken, both in government and the opposition.

And here we are. The aggravating and self-destructive game of politics continues … by going on summer recess. How’s that for vexing, maddening, hex-driven irony!

From your stubbornly Patronused Spin Doctor,

Eyes open, mind sharp.
