“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… a group of desperate rebel birds faced off against a galactic menace: the Empire’s evil Pigtroopers!”
Angry Birds Star Wars is the fifth installment in the popular video game by Rovio Entertainment. The original Angry Birds edition was first launched in December 2009, followed by Angry Birds Seasons (October 2010), Angry Birds Rio (March 2011), and Angry Birds Space (March 2012).
In the first part of our tribute to the franchise, we met Red Bird Luke Skywalker and Pink Bird Princess Leia aka Stella Organa. Now let us meet their irritable but loyal crew.
First we have Yellow Bird Han Solo (Chuck “Ham” Solo) who (according to the Angry Birds Star Wars wiki on wikia) has lost ’his ability to dash,’ but is now ‘armored with a laser pistol alike the ones occasionally used by the Pigs.’ When prompted by a tap on the screen, Chuck fires ‘three lasers in that direction, which damage objects but ricochet off metal blocks.’
Always close to him is his friend, Big Brother Bird Chewbacca (Terebacca), ‘one of the stronger of the Birds,’ wreaking havoc where he lands.
Then we have Droid C-3PO, a droid ‘built in Matilda’s [white bird] image,’ whose function is to self-destruct ‘into five body parts.’
Last but not least comes Space Egg R2-D2, which has been ’modeled after the Space Egg from Angry Birds Space.’ R2-D2 ‘can no longer produce black holes, but instead emits an electric shock that can destroy any surrounding Pigs in an instant.’
Take that, Pig Empire!