Feeling agitated or adventurous? Enter Tornado Country to experience the force of Spin Doctor as he analyzes the ins and outs of this world, tears down old preconceptions, and glimpses into history with an eye on the future.

Alabama Rules In Favor Of Religious Fundamentalism (And Against In Vitro Fertilization)

‘University of Alabama at Birmingham pauses in vitro fertilization following state Supreme Court embryo ruling. Alabama Supreme Court ruled frozen embryos have same status as children under state law.’ ~ FOX NEWS

The rollback-slash-slide-cum-rollercoaster ride into narrow-minded ways of thinking continues. In one of the world’s most important countries. Where one expects things to move forwards, not backwards, especially at times like these when the entire world is passing through the grinder.

Then again, as we all know, the most important questions are answered only when passed through the grinder i.e. when people are forced to fight for them.

The fight for a civilization that is becoming of the 21st-century is on. Time to up the game and respond in a manner that settles the argument and the score — for a while anyway — putting the West (and maybe others too) back on a forward-headed path.

It begins here, with the push against religious fundamentalism and its medieval way of thinking.