The Unblinking, Unwavering Brilliance
It seems obvious that a lord of light casts many shadows, streaking the land with shades and dark patches, unless of course the kingdom lays […]
Visit Pearl Coast to catch a break from daily stress and routine. Its reflections will dazzle and inspire you. It will make your days brighter and your nights magical.
It seems obvious that a lord of light casts many shadows, streaking the land with shades and dark patches, unless of course the kingdom lays […]
It’s important not to drink the Kool-aid and die en masse, but it’s also important not to force those who speak inconvenient truths drink the […]
Old and broken friendships.. Some of them evolve and get a second wind. Others have a harder time to launch. You never know what kind […]
When you have the vaguest feeling that Hesse’s Steppenwolf reminds you of Fowles’ The Magus.. and of Murakami in general (minus the endless philosophizing and […]
People hate bigots.. until you inform them that bigots are nothing but diverse, next-level gots with twice the options and double the worldview (along the […]
Miyazaki’s version of Howl’s Moving Castle offers one of the best descriptions of depression: a state of mind where everything becomes sticky, sickly and dangerous […]
All it takes is a little effort on all sides. And a little patience. And […]
It’s a laborious process, all this writing and rewriting, especially at the beginning of every leap into new territory, but it’s the best way to […]
And just like that, in a few lines, Gibran described the human condition. And he did it better than most religious dogmas and their thousand-page […]
How this man isn’t in jail Or in some armed forces, shooting people for a living Is a testament to humanity’s ability to make something […]